USC at LSA 2014

The 88th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America was held this year from January 2-5, 2014, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There were several USC representatives at the conference this year.

Snowy Minneapolis (photo credit: David Li)

Graduate students Reed Blaylock, Arunima Choudhury, Huilin Fang, David Li and Sergio Robles-Puente attended the conference, as well as former postdoc fellow Sam Tilsen, graduate alumni Michael Shepherd and Michal Temkin Martinez and undergraduate alumna Alexa Cohen. Titles of posters and talks given follow:

L1 phonotactics vs. L2 assimilation: Insights from eye-tracking
David Li & Elsi Kaiser

Role of prosody in expressing focus types: Comparing f0 in Hindi and Bangla
Arunima Choudhury & Elsi Kaiser

Aspectuality and scalarity of the Taiwanese Mandarin focus particle you
Huilin Fang

Prosodic transfer and attrition in Spanish/English bilinguals
Sergio Robles-Puente

The mora as a unit of speech planning
Sam Tilsen (Cornell University)

Taking Lingiustics Beyond Linguistics Programs and Departments (Symposium)
Michal Temkin Martinez (Boise State University)

Readers’ perceptions of dialect-speaking characters in literature: A matched-guise study
Michael Shepherd (California State University, Fresno) & Alexa Cohen

Congratulations to all who gave talks, presented posters, and attended on behalf of USC!